Overall Great Week

 Where to start? 
The best thing that happened this week was that I finally applied for university. And I am going to do it again next week, as I finally finished my portfolio. I am much less nervous now that I know that my perfectionism isn´t going to make me work in another kitchen until the next academic year. Well, if I will actually get into one of those majors :). I actually thought about taking a gap year and working, but I would prefer to study. My mom always told me: "Ugh, be grateful you are so smart. You would never manage to work with those hands." I translated it very clumsily but she is right, I am not the best manual worker.
Honestly, this is the reason for my very long hiatus. I had a few articles that begged to be written, but every time I did it, I felt guilty for not writing one of my home works for the entrance exams. For screenwriting and dramaturgy, I had to write three short stories, one pitch for a film, and two analyses. I managed to write all stories rather quickly, but then I spent a lot of time trying to shorten them to fit the five pages criteria. Yeah... looks like even in my stories, I talk too much. I can´t help it. I just really enjoy snarky dialog, but it takes up so much space. 

So for that, I am sorry if someone got actually interested in my life. I will try to publish more often now that I don´t have this excuse.

But even before I finished those future-making tasks, I had a blast. Our (mine and mines sisters´) had a free house, so we came over. We wanted to go clubbing since there was some action in one of the two clubs in this God-forbidden town, and my friends (sis, Peťa and Aďa) wanted to get drunk before. They are three introverts and bozze at clubs is pricy, so I get that. At around 10pm, the time we originally wanted to head there, Peťa invited another friend over. I met him for the first time, but my sister already knew him.
He asked her where her twin is. I was sitting next to her. As you can see, we are not identical.
That was at 22:30. We headed out after 11pm, with me being almost totally sober. The walking distance to that club is around 4 km, and when we got there, the hell has already begun. There were so many people that you couldn't move, and every newcomer had to stand next to the stairs, because they were the only unoccupied spot. We stood before that place for about an hour, arguing about what to do, but I, that new friend and a very tired Aďa managed to win.
I mean, would you pay an already too-high entrance fee just to stand on stairs? My sister and Peťa were not happy, but did not fight, so we headed to the second club in K. And what do you think?
Of course, there was private cowboy night. None of us wanted to go home yet, outside of drunk, sleepy Aďa, so we stood here until like 3 pm. Then we went back to Peťas´, with the two still complaining about not getting into the club.
I woke up ill, so I did not go to school for two days, therefor I could work on my portfolio. And yes, I am still unwell. My parents are worried, worrying about what it can be, but I know I just spent a cold night in thin pants. 
It was fun. Even those drunk dumbasses thought so, but they still wanted to go dancing somewhere. I am more of a bar person, but I love them, so I will go too. We are going to Ostrava for this today, which makes me rather happy. 
Oh, and why today? 
It´s our birthday! I am 19 years old. Gosh, just writing this feels weird. But I am quite happy. I watched movies and crocheted last night, greeted my dear sister two minutes after midnight, and slept for more than 7 hours. With my inability to sleep part 6 am, this is great. Now I am going to have a coffee.

So have a nice day. Most of this post don´t make sense, mainly the structure, but I wanted to show some proof of being alive. See you sometime? Bye!


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