What to do in Ostrava when the bedtime story is over

I have had most fun in my life in Ostrava and when an angry customer really thought that yelling at me will make me call the manager. And I think that the first one is better, as you can do more in Ova than in info stall.
Those are things I like doing or found funny on long, wild nights in central Ostrava (by wild I mean I was at home by 11pm). Prague isn´t the only one funny city in Czechia and I think that my beloved city has a lot to offer. For example:

1) Take out skateboards, longboards or skates and have ride on some historical building
Few days ago, I have seen some tweens skating éver Elektra. They weren´t very goot at it, but it appeared they have times of their lives and I get it. Trying to do something while the entire bus stops eyes you is real adrenalline. 
And how else do you show complete strangers your nevest tricks? 

2) Try to avoid homeless!
Higher level of hide and seek! Are you able to keep away from weirdos demanding some money?

3) Striptease
Can you guess what makes Stodolní so well know? Yeah, you are right. I have never seen strip show (well, almost once, but that was an accident) but it sounds like a lot of fun. Of course, if you don´t mind looking like some sleazy pervert. In Ostrava, I can also navigate you towards Nádražní and Poděbradova streets. In my sopmophore year, I found more clubs with ladies of the night than places with packed water here. 
I even heard that some sell food (not only) for customer´s kids. It´s weird to take a kid here, don´t do it. Please.

4) Make new friends
You don´t need to be drunk for this one, but it surelly helps. My friend found new gang this way at three o´clock morning. She even found out they invited her to concert next day. 
If you are in a search for friends, they can find you by themselves. Aka the one time that some odd folks asked us for a photo because, I quote, "Hey, your the LGBTs, are ya?!"

5) Scare people at bank cabin
Not so far away from Elektra is a cabin, next to a bank, where you can get some cash. That cabin has see throught doors, so if you will stand dangerously enough here, you can totally look like you were on a edge of robbery, Or not, but you can think that and you probably have nothing better to do at 10am, do you?

6) Become hygienist
Bars, watering holes, pubs and clubs, all of those are synonyms for diffenrent tiers of the same princip. I have a theory that you can tell more about a bar from it´s toilette than anything else. 
It´s funny to compare quality of service with expectation based on this equation. There is a big difference between Rio, place with godly clean WC and Ičko, where they don´t even have doors.

This is everything for today, but not at all. There are a lot more things to do or try, just like at any other city. (Almost, then there are places like my hometown when you have nothing to do at all.) I´d like to note that those are things that you can exprience not only at Ostrava, they jsut happenned to me there and I think about them as some of my most beloved memories.
It´s not just about getting high, it´s about friends, neon lights and strangers that only go out at night. It´s about the atmosphere, as I think that central Ostrava have a lot of wild, spunky vibes to it.

Does your town have a party street? :D What are you best experiences from there?
I am going to write something only about Stodolní and it´s cool spots, because it is important place for me and I think you need to have some knowledge about it to get anything that happens there. 
